
Turning Public Outrage Into Admiration

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Improve community reputation of an oil or gas producer following a reputation-harming event


Resolving complaints while avoiding an admission of liability for a serious mishap often upsets those offended


Community reputation is enhanced through identifying with public indignation and getting involved in remedial action rather than spontaneously attempting to defend what has happened. For instance, a CEO whose ship was spilling oil and threatening popular beaches said that, although he had been advised that his firm was not legally liable, he felt responsible and was going to act as if they were Those affected and other observers think better of the organization because they are impressed by an unusually candid and 'take-charge' response, regardless of fault

Breeding Hint 1

Think about how you might address disapproval you face by empathizing authentically with how they feel as a first step. This should clear the way for you to receive a fair hearing when you choose to respond

Breeding Hint 2

Think how you might tap into the inclination of people to respond favorably to unusual honesty when something goes wrong. This could be an effective strategy for maintaining and improving your reputation and market image
