A local government organization tackles the difficult problem of motorcyclist injuries caused by car drivers who are simply unaware that a motorcyclist is nearby by amplifying the presence of the motorcyclist ... Check out below how to breed from this Sebir
Improve safety of motorcyclists by a local government organization
Oblivious motorists collide with motorcyclists
Product or service safety is upgraded through initiating the relaxation of noise regulations as they apply to motorcycles so that the latter can be engineered to produce a sound louder than ambient levels when being driven Injuries caused by cars colliding with motorcyclists reduce significantly because motor vehicle drivers are much more aware of the motorcyclist's presence due to the louder noise their bikes now emit
Think how you might enlist the cooperation of end-users of your product or service in making them safer to use. This could add a layer of safe practice beyond what is possible to achieve through product design
Breeding Hint 1
Think about how you might focus more intently on how people use your products and services. This could throw light on latent customer-friendly improvements