An E-tailing retailer anticipates the problem of potentially eco-unfriendly packaging of its products by designing the packages that contain them with standard postal envelopes and courier boxes in mind ... Check out below how to breed from this Sebir
Improve recycling of an E-tailing retailer
Excessive packaging of products often causes disposal and other environmental problems
Recycling gains momentum through collaborating with others to design packaging for products in a range of sizes that are an ideal fit for various standard postal envelopes and typical courier boxes without the need for any padding With the wrapping and containing of the product for delivery minimized, the need for disposal is significantly lessened, as are transport needs and costs
Think how you might co-opt concern for the total environment into all planning within your organization. This could integrate sustainability thinking into all you do and reveal cost-saving opportunities as well
Breeding Hint 1
Think about how you might anticipate the precise physical means by which your products or services get to customers. This should enable you to devise packaging solutions that are eco friendly